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Resultados de su búsqueda "Aging: Misc.".

Videos de salud - 4

Having Diabetes Can Speed Up Brain Aging, New Study Finds

Both prediabetes and type 2 diabetes speed up brain aging, but living a healthy lifestyle offers protection, according to researchers.

Fish Oil Supplements May Help People at High Risk for Alzheimer's

A new study finds taking a daily fish oil supplement may slow brain cell deterioration in people at genetic risk for Alzheimer’s – but researchers say it does not benefit all older adults.

New Study Identifies the Best Diets for Slowing Your Biological Clock

Follow an eating plan high in vitamins and minerals and low in added sugars to stay young.

COVID-19 Virus Now Widespread in U.S. Wildlife

Researchers have detected the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 6 wild animal species commonly spotted in U.S. backyards.

Resultados de noticias de salud - 394

18 Oct
Real-World Study Confirms RSV Vaccine's Protective Power for Seniors

Real-World Study Confirms RSV Vaccine's Protective Power for Seniors

A global real-world study of the vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) finds it offers folks aged 60 and over 80% protection against severe illness and/or hospitalization.

With U.S. vaccination rates falling, "I encourage older adults to follow CDC guidance and g...

16 Oct
Most Older Americans Don't Trust AI-Generated Health Info, Survey Finds

Most Older Americans Don't Trust AI-Generated Health Info, Survey Finds

Most Americans 50 and older don’t place much trust in health advice generated by artificial intelligence, a new survey finds.

About 74% of middle-aged and senior Americans would have very little to no trust in health info generated by AI, the University of Michigan...

14 Oct
Long-Term Care Out of Reach for 6.5 Million 'Near Dual' American Seniors

Long-Term Care Out of Reach for 6.5 Million 'Near Dual' American Seniors

About 6.5 million “Near Dual” seniors are struggling to afford long-term care as they grow older and more frail, a new study warns.

“Near Dual” seniors are those who are eligible for Medicare but are only at the cusp of eligibility for Medicaid, t...

10 Oct
Seniors, You're Never Too Old to Quit Smoking, Study Finds

Seniors, You're Never Too Old to Quit Smoking, Study Finds

It’s never too late for a person to quit smoking, even if they’re elderly, a new study finds.

Dropping the smokes even...

08 Oct
Breast Cancer Treatments Might Speed Aging, Study Finds

Breast Cancer Treatments Might Speed Aging, Study Finds

Any form of breast cancer treatment appears to speed the aging of the recipient's cells, a new study finds.

“For the first time, we're showing that the [aging] signals we once thought were driven by chemotherapy are also present in women undergoing radiation and su...

04 Oct
Hearing Loss Can Raise Risks for Cognitive Decline

Hearing Loss Can Raise Risks for Cognitive Decline

A new, large study from France underscores the link between adult hearing loss and dementia.

"Given the major burden of cognitive decline and the absence of curative treatment, identifying modifiable risk factors is of importance," a team led by

30 Sep
Falling Linked to Raised Risk of Dementia in Older People

Falling Linked to Raised Risk of Dementia in Older People

More than 14 million seniors a year take a tumble, and those falls can be life-changing.

 "The relationship between falls and dementia appears to be a two-way street," said Molly Jarman

20 Sep
Are Antidepressants Being Overused to Treat Seniors' Pain?

Are Antidepressants Being Overused to Treat Seniors' Pain?

Doctors sometimes turn to antidepressants as a means of easing older people's physical pain, but a new expert review finds there's little evidence to support the practice.

Antidepressants may even come with hazards for seniors who don't need them, said researchers from t...

20 Sep
Arthritis Can Flare Up in Colder Weather: Tips to Easing the Pan

Arthritis Can Flare Up in Colder Weather: Tips to Easing the Pan

An arthritis sufferer’s joints start to get ornery when the weather turns colder, getting stiff and achy as the mercury drops.

Cold weather doesn’t cause arthritis, but it can make it worse, experts say.

"Our joints operate best in temperate weather," s...

05 Sep
Most U.S. Seniors Prescribed at Least 1 Drug, But Many Skip Meds Due to Cost

Most U.S. Seniors Prescribed at Least 1 Drug, But Many Skip Meds Due to Cost

Too many U.S. seniors are skipping their prescription meds due to cost, and the problem is most acute among the poor and chronically ill, new data shows.

Almost all (88.6%) Americans age 65 or older have been prescribed at least one prescription medicine, according to 20...

04 Sep
Folks Who Cope, Adapt Do Well in Old Age: Study

Folks Who Cope, Adapt Do Well in Old Age: Study

People who can cope with challenges as they grow older are more likely to live longer, a new study shows.

Seniors with higher levels of mental resilience are 53% less likely to die within the next 10 years than those with the lowest levels, researchers found.

Even ...

30 Aug
Antibiotic Overuse in Nursing Homes Could Foster 'Superbugs'

Antibiotic Overuse in Nursing Homes Could Foster 'Superbugs'

Senior residential homes are breeding grounds for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, due to overprescription of antibiotics, a new study says.

Stool samples provided by Australian senior home residents contained bacteria with a wide range of genes linked to

16 Aug
Likelihood of Dementia Getting Diagnosed Varies Widely Across U.S.

Likelihood of Dementia Getting Diagnosed Varies Widely Across U.S.

Where you live in the United States could play a role in whether you get a timely diagnosis of dementia, a new study says.

The same person can have twice as much chance of getting a dementia diagnosis in some areas of the country than others, researchers found.


14 Aug
Cost of Health Care Is Big Concern for Voters Over 50

Cost of Health Care Is Big Concern for Voters Over 50

Older voters are keenly interested in the cost of health care, a new survey has found.

Five of the top six health issues among older adults have to do with health care costs, according to new data from the University of Michigan’s National Poll on Healthy Aging.

14 Aug
Your Body's 'Biomolecular' Makeup Shifts in Your 40s and 60s

Your Body's 'Biomolecular' Makeup Shifts in Your 40s and 60s

Aging Americans, you're not imagining things: Big shifts in physical well-being do occur at certain points in the life span, new research shows.

A team at Stanford University has found "massive" changes during a person's mid-40s and early 60s in regards to the molecules ...

14 Aug
Bout of Shingles May Raise Odds for Cognitive Decline

Bout of Shingles May Raise Odds for Cognitive Decline

Older Americans already dread shingles, and they may now have one more reason to do so: A painful episode could raise their odds for cognitive decline.

A new study found a 20% higher risk that an older person would experience "subjective cognitive decline" if they'd gone...

13 Aug
Even Light Drinking Harms Health of Older Adults: Study

Even Light Drinking Harms Health of Older Adults: Study

New research confirms that alcohol is not your friend as you age: Even light drinking was linked to an increase in cancer deaths among older adults, with the raised risk most pronounced in those who had other health problems or lived in low-income areas.

The st...

12 Aug
Even Moderate Drinking Ups Risk for Brain Bleeds After a Fall

Even Moderate Drinking Ups Risk for Brain Bleeds After a Fall

Drinking can increase a senior’s risk of a brain bleed following a fall, even if they only occasionally imbibe, a new study finds.

In fact, the risk of a brain bleed i...

30 Jul
Could Switching to a Vegan Diet Make You Biologically Younger?

Could Switching to a Vegan Diet Make You Biologically Younger?

Eating a vegan diet may help you age more slowly, a new study claims.

Twins assigned to eat a vegan diet for eight weeks appeared to age ...

29 Jul
Grief Can Truly Age People, Study Finds

Grief Can Truly Age People, Study Finds

Losing someone close to you can make you age faster, a new study finds.

People who lost a parent, partner, sibling or child showed signs of older biological age compared with those who hadn’t experienced such a loss, researchers reported July 29 in the journal

29 Jul
Avoiding One Nutrient Can Keep Your Cells Young

Avoiding One Nutrient Can Keep Your Cells Young

Added sugar can cause your cells to prematurely age, a new study warns.

Each gram of added sugar is associated with an increase in a person’s cellular age, even when they eat healthy otherwise, researchers found.

On the other hand, a diet rich in vitamins, m...

26 Jul
Shingles Vaccine Could Lower Dementia Risk

Shingles Vaccine Could Lower Dementia Risk

Older people who avail themselves of the newest shingles vaccine could reap a hidden benefit: A significant drop in their odds of developing dementia.

One expert applauded the new findings.

"Dementia isn’t an inevitable part of aging; it’s caused by d...

23 Jul
Younger May Not Fare Better When It Comes to Leg Artery Disease

Younger May Not Fare Better When It Comes to Leg Artery Disease

Middle-aged folks don’t necessarily fare better than seniors following urgent surgery to unclog arteries and restore blood flow to their legs, a new study warns.

Adults in their 50s with peripheral artery disease (PAD) appear more likely to require a leg amputatio...

22 Jul
As Days Heat Up, More Seniors Skip Doc Appointments

As Days Heat Up, More Seniors Skip Doc Appointments

More folks, especially seniors, are missing doctors’ appointments due to extreme weather, a new study shows.

The rate of missed primary care appointments increases 0.64% for every 1-degree increase in temperatures 90 degrees or hotter, researchers reported recentl...

11 Jul
Know a Narcissist? They May Become Less So as They Age

Know a Narcissist? They May Become Less So as They Age

Your schoolmate who acted like he was better than everyone else has probably shed some of that narcissistic behavior an adult.

New research shows people tend to be less narcissistic as they age. Still, those who were more narcissistic as kids tended to be narcissists as...

11 Jul
Could an App Help Predict Thinking Declines for Those With  Alzheimer's?

Could an App Help Predict Thinking Declines for Those With Alzheimer's?

Dutch researchers are developing an app to predict how individual cases of Alzheimer's disease will progress.

Based on data from nea...

30 Jun
July 4 Tips for Folks Caring for People With Alzheimer's

July 4 Tips for Folks Caring for People With Alzheimer's

Big pops of noise and light are always a part of Independence Day celebrations.

But the "rocket's red glare" (and bang) can be disorienting and upsetting for people struggling with

25 Jun
Loneliness Can Raise Older People's Odds for Stroke

Loneliness Can Raise Older People's Odds for Stroke

A lonely middle and old age could bring higher odds for a stroke, new data suggests.

A 12-year study of people over 50 found that those who experienced chronic loneliness were 56% more likely to have a stroke, versus those who said they weren't lonely.

"Loneliness ...

24 Jun
Older Americans in Senior Housing Have Better Health Than Those Living at Home

Older Americans in Senior Housing Have Better Health Than Those Living at Home

Independent living is important for seniors, but a new study shows it might not be the best thing for their health.

Older adults living in senior housing tended to have better health than those who remain in their own homes, researchers found.

People in senior hous...

20 Jun
Colombian Family's Genes Could Hold Key to Delaying Alzheimer's

Colombian Family's Genes Could Hold Key to Delaying Alzheimer's

A Colombian family's genetics are shining a spotlight on a gene that might help protect people from the ravages of Alzheimer's disease.

About 1,200 out of 6,000 family members carry a genetic variant called the "Paisa mutation,"which dooms them to early Alzheimer's, rese...

19 Jun
Leg Workouts Around Retirement Could Keep You Mobile With Age

Leg Workouts Around Retirement Could Keep You Mobile With Age

Folks nearing retirement shouldn't skip leg days at the gym, a new study advises.

One year of heavy strength training preserves vital leg strength ...

18 Jun
Rates of Problem Marijuana Use Are Rising Among Seniors

Rates of Problem Marijuana Use Are Rising Among Seniors

As marijuana use becomes legal and more accepted across America, more seniors are developing unhealthy relationships with the drug, a new report suggests.

A look at data on almost 56 million Medicare beneficiaries finds "rates of health care encounters with cannabis-rela...

12 Jun
Depression Could Take Toll on Memory With Age

Depression Could Take Toll on Memory With Age

Depression and memory declines may be closely linked in older people, new research suggests.

"Our study shows that the relationship between depression and poor memory cuts both ways, with depressive symptoms preceding memory decline and memory decline linked to subsequen...

10 Jun
Tips to Making Your Home Safer for People With Alzheimer's

Tips to Making Your Home Safer for People With Alzheimer's

Bright lights, loud sounds and trip hazards can make a person with Alzheimer's uncomfortable in the home and even pose real dangers.


07 Jun
Lifestyle Changes May Slow or Prevent Alzheimer's in People at High Risk

Lifestyle Changes May Slow or Prevent Alzheimer's in People at High Risk

New research shows that a set of healthy lifestyle habits can help preserve brain function in folks with mild cognitive impairment or early dementia.

About 71% of patients who ate healthy, exercised regularly and engaged in stress management had their dementia symptoms e...

31 May
1 in 8 Older Americans Are Stricken With Traumatic Head Injury

1 in 8 Older Americans Are Stricken With Traumatic Head Injury

About one in eight U.S. seniors will be treated for a traumatic brain injury, typically during a fall, a new study finds.

Medicare data shows that about 13% of seniors suffer...

24 May
Subtle Mental Declines Occur Before Older Folk Quit Driving

Subtle Mental Declines Occur Before Older Folk Quit Driving

One of the toughest decisions seniors face is when to give up their keys and stop driving.

Even slight changes to the ability to remember, think and reason can lead a senior to decide to stop

20 May
Blood Pressure Meds Raise Fracture Risks for Those in Nursing Homes

Blood Pressure Meds Raise Fracture Risks for Those in Nursing Homes

Blood pressure medications appear to more than double the risk of life-threatening bone fractures among nursing home residents, a new study warns.

The increased risk stems from the drugs' tendency to impair balance, particularly when patients stand up and temporarily exp...

16 May
Brain Decline, Dementia Common Among Older American Indians

Brain Decline, Dementia Common Among Older American Indians

Higher rates of blood vessel-damaging conditions like hypertension or diabetes may be driving up rates of cognitive decline and dementia among older American Indians, new research shows.

The study found that 54% of American Indians ages 72 to 95 had some form of impairme...

06 May
Money Worries Top Seniors' List of Health-Related Concerns: Poll

Money Worries Top Seniors' List of Health-Related Concerns: Poll

Worries over health-related costs are plaguing the minds of older Americans of all backgrounds, a new poll suggests.

Five of the six health-related issues that most people found very concerning had to do with health care costs, according to results from the University of...

26 Apr
Which Patients and Surgeries Are 'High Risk' for Seniors?

Which Patients and Surgeries Are 'High Risk' for Seniors?

Most seniors probably view any emergency surgery with a certain level of anxiety.

Now, a new study seeks to sort out who might be at highest risk for a complication from such surgeries -- and which surgeries are more prone to trouble.

Two key factors emerged: How...

26 Apr
Medicare Warnings Stop Nursing Homes From Overusing Antipsychotic Meds

Medicare Warnings Stop Nursing Homes From Overusing Antipsychotic Meds

Warning letters sent by Medicare officials can prompt a decline in antipsychotic prescriptions for seniors with dementia, a new study finds.

Letters sent to heavy prescribers of quetiapine (Seroquel), the most popular a...

22 Apr
What Folks Consider 'Old Age' Is Getting Older

What Folks Consider 'Old Age' Is Getting Older

People's idea of "old age"is aging itself, with middle-aged folks and seniors believing that old age starts later in life than did peers from decades ago, a new study finds.

The study revolves around the question "At what age would you describe someone as old?"


18 Apr
Work That Challenges Your Brain Helps You Stay Sharp With Age

Work That Challenges Your Brain Helps You Stay Sharp With Age

Jobs that challenge your mind could help your brain age more gracefully, a new study suggests.

The harder your brain works on the job, the less likely you are to have memory and thinking problems later in life, researchers reported April 17 in the journal Neurology<...

18 Apr
Many Seniors Are Overmedicated, But ChatGPT Might Prevent That

Many Seniors Are Overmedicated, But ChatGPT Might Prevent That

AI could help doctors cut back on the bewildering variety of medications that seniors frequently are prescribed, a new study suggests.

More than 40% of seniors are prescribed five or more meds, and this increases a person's risk of adverse

12 Apr
Pandemic's Effect in Isolating Older Americans May Not Be Over

Pandemic's Effect in Isolating Older Americans May Not Be Over

COVID-19 lockdowns prompted countless American seniors to become socially isolated.

Now, new research finds that many have still not fully rejoined society.

More than half of ...

09 Apr
Can Pregnancy Accelerate Aging for Women? Study Says Yes

Can Pregnancy Accelerate Aging for Women? Study Says Yes

Pregnancy transforms women's bodies in many obvious ways, but new research suggests it may also accelerate aging.

Women who had been pregnant appeared to be biologically older than women who had never carried a child, the genetic analysis revealed.

Further, more pr...

08 Apr
Today's Young Adults Are Aging Faster, and That Might Help Spur Cancers

Today's Young Adults Are Aging Faster, and That Might Help Spur Cancers

Younger generations are aging more rapidly, and this could be leading to an increased risk of cancer, a new study says.

People born in or after 1965 are 17% more likely to be experiencing accelerated aging compared to seniors born between 1950 and 1954, researchers found...

04 Apr
Seniors, Stay Away From Young Kids to Avoid Pneumonia: Study

Seniors, Stay Away From Young Kids to Avoid Pneumonia: Study

Sticky fingers, runny noses: Little kids are sweet, but they can also pass on dangerous germs to loving grandparents, new research confirms.

The study found that contact with pre-school and kindergarten-aged kids may be the leading transmission route for bacteria that ca...

02 Apr
Playtime, Being Social Helps a Dog's Aging Brain, Study Finds

Playtime, Being Social Helps a Dog's Aging Brain, Study Finds

As their aging brains shrink, older dogs can suffer the same memory and thinking problems as many older humans do.

But dogs are just like humans in another way -- playtime and social activities can help preserve their brain function, a new study finds.

Exercising, ...

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